Better Ideas NOT Bigger Budgets

Sep 05, 2024

You will never out spend your competition but you can always out think them.


If you take a look at the Farm Stock website you’ll see that I founded the business entirely on this belief: better ideas, not bigger budgets.


In this newsletter I'm going to show you how to:


  • Unlock growth in your business
  • Why a lack of good ideas has lead to the downfall of modern marketing
  • The best thing about ideas



Unlocking growth


Most companies don’t have a product problem, they have a marketing problem. 


So many organisations attack the growth problem with the same old tactics - innovation, more features, better pricing or deeper promotions and then wonder why they’re not growing. 


But it's because everyone else is trying to tackle it in the same way. It’s like standing in one checkout que at the supermarket when all the other checkouts are open.


If you really want to grow then you have to do something, say something or stand for something different in your category. 


Put simply, stop trying to out spend your competition and start out thinking them. 


The downfall of modern marketing


The reason most companies struggle to stand out, get noticed and ultimately grow is because they all look, sound and feel exactly the same. 


The messaging, the imagery and the tone of voice all follow the same corporate path in which everyone is trying to remove risk for fear of offending someone. 


In a digital world, most marketers (and agencies!) focus on what new platform you should be on rather than what to say to get you noticed. In an effort to be technically very good, they have lost the ability to come up with a good idea. 


The lack of new and unique ideas is the downfall of modern marketing. This needs to change because to improve your business, you need to improve your ideas. 


The beauty of great ideas


I believe everyone has the ability to be a great marketer because everyone at some point in their lives was given a packet of pencils and told to draw.


Everybody CAN come up with great ideas. 


And here is the best part; ideas cost you nothing. The difference between a shit idea and a great one is nothing - they’re entirely free!


What sets the great companies apart is their ability to execute those ideas, do something different and for everyone to live with the nervousness. 


So if you’re one of these amazing companies then get in touch and let's work out your marketing problem. That’s where you need to start because I can virtually guarantee you the problem doesn’t lie with your product or your service.


Until next week.....



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