Be Brave!

Oct 11, 2024

I talk a lot about bravery in marketing and every now and again I like to put my money where my mouth is.


This is the latest project I created in partnership with Amazone to promote Cereals 2025 and is a perfect example of being brave. 


The team at Amazone didn’t have to say yes, in fact there were 1,000 reasons to say no, but I'm so very glad they decided to take the project on.



 The risks were obvious - this was something that hadn’t been done before in the industry and was pushing into new territory. What would people think? What would be the reputation impact on a large multinational company like Amazone? How would this be viewed by the wider industry? 


These are all legitimate concerns when trying something new. Risks like this, whilst manageable, are unavoidable if you want to stand out and get noticed.


Thankfully the team at Amazone felt this was a risk worth taking and I'm so glad they did as the results speak for themselves. 


Machinery marketing doesn’t have to be bland, corporate interviews or an endless stream of product walkarounds. With some creativity and a willingness to have a go:


  • it CAN be more engaging
  • it CAN get you noticed
  • it CAN build brand affinity and most importantly
  • it CAN get you to choose one brand over another 


I’d like to think we’ve gone some way in proving that with this video.


So remember this; if Amazone can be brave in their marketing then so can you.


Until next week……



We definitely don't SPAM. We will never sell your information, kidneys or soul. Pinky promise.