Posting Content is NOT Marketing!

Aug 09, 2024

This is a biggie so listen up.


Posting content on social media is not marketing. 


And it pains me to say that I learnt this the hard way. I built this TikTok account to over 50k followers but sold nothing. Zero. Zilch. 


Why? Because I had no strategy behind what I was posting. Yes, the videos were engaging, got a lot of views and likes but they did nothing to actually get people interested in what I was offering.


It was only when I started to become intentional with the content I was posting did people start getting in touch and enquire about content creation and marketing.


The Problem

A lot of marketing teams post on social media because they feel they have to. "The bosses daughter has a TikTok account" so they’ve been told to start posting on TikTok or "everyone else is doing it so we should too"


But just posting content online without a strategy is like going fishing without a rod. You might get lucky and something jumps out the water into your boat but on the whole, you’re just wasting your time. 


You need to be intentional with your content. You need a strategy.


Be Intentional

In order to get your target audience interested and ultimately buy from you, you need 3 types of content:


  1. Discover - this content is designed to get as many eyeballs on your brand as possible, not to sell something. This can be jumping on a trend or creating an entertaining video that resonates with your target audience.  
  2. Trust - here you’re focused on adding value. Trust building content aims to fix a problem or meet a desire that your target audience has. Once you've explained how to overcome the problem then showcase the solution that your product/service offers.   
  3. Convert - this doesn’t have to be a hard sell rather it can be showcasing social proof that what your product or service has done for others or testimonials from others on how well it has worked for them. 


Let go of your ego

The beauty of all of this is that you don’t need thousands of followers or millions of views to succeed. Yes it feels good when content pops off and you get lots of views and engagement but you need to put your ego to one side and focus on what really matters - adding value and solving problems. 


Social media and creating content doesn’t have to be difficult but it does need to be intentional. Don’t make the same mistake I did in thinking posting content is marketing, it’s not. 


Until next week……


P.s If you need help putting a strategy together then drop me a message and when you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you.


We definitely don't SPAM. We will never sell your information, kidneys or soul. Pinky promise.